The very talented team from Niflheim Productions spent a lot of their earlier years working from Wayne’s Workshop.
Some of the footage below shows scenes from inside Wayne’s Workshop and features a number of collaborative projects .
The very talented team from Niflheim Productions spent a lot of their earlier years working from Wayne’s Workshop.
Some of the footage below shows scenes from inside Wayne’s Workshop and features a number of collaborative projects .
The Arkham knight build was a challenge that kept the workshop busy most evenings for several weeks in a row as the various team members worked on the costume. This was one of the teams’ second Pepakura masks and we all quickly learnt that the dust generated from the vigorous …
Working with foam can be quite challenging, especially if you’re trying to Cosplay a Superhero with Abs and a tight cowl. Batman, one of our earliest workshop Cosplay builds didn’t turn out to be too bad at all. The most challenging parts wasn’t the flowing cape, although this was quite authentic looking. Nor was …
A friend of mine talked me into 3D printing a Magneto helmet he had 3D modelled. He did a fantastic job so we set about printing a miniture the size of a small apple just to prove that it would work. When that was done we scaled up the print and …
One of our earliest projects in Wayne’s Workshop was the card throwing Marvel Comics character Gambit. The body suit was made by hot gluing mock ‘muscles’ to our trusty mannequin Fred. We then layered a thinner sheet of foam over the top of Fred’s now muscular torso and used a …
Justin, one of the team from Niflheim Productions, called around with a PC build that needed some final tweaking. A nice touch of red on the Corsair power supply and the Sapphire graphics card. A couple of hours in the workshop well spent!Under the white light Under the blue light… …
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